Hey, Diabetes Community! Information technology's a custom here at the 'Mine to essentially "call the diabetes protagonism organizations to the mat" at the end of each year by interrogatory them to share with the profession what milestones they've achieved, and what they hope to accomplish in the new year up.

This year, we queried seven leading U.S. diabetes non-lucre: What did they actually accomplish in 2018? And what do they plan to stool happen in 2019? Below are the answers from their various leaders and spokes-folks.

Note: On that point's a ton of great info Hera about what's happening in the Diabetes Global, so we invite you to settle in with a loving cup of coffee, or even consider printing this piece out for farther review… and of path, please share your thoughts via multiethnic media surgery email!

As 2018 comes to a close, we are pleased to reflect along a year of success, effective advocacy and passionate loyalty to drive the American Diabetes Connection's (Adenosine deaminase's) insurance priorities assuming on the part of our faculty, and more significantly, on the part of Diabetes Advocates nationally. And as we look to the future, 2019 promises to be a year of exchange and opportunity. We look forward to working with each of the 100 initial time members of Congress arriving in Washington in January, as well as the countless other elected officials, partners and opinion leaders around the nation to assure that diabetes is highest priority in our collective work.

Protective Access to Affordable Care:

In 2018, the Adenosine deaminase continuing to defend the Inexpensive Care Act (ACA) against efforts to weaken the law and rollback primal protections for the great unwashe with diabetes at some the Department of State and federal levels. In addition to the work done at the federal plane, the ADA's State Government Affairs Syllabu, working in conjunction with our Policy Section, opposed legislative threats to ACA insurance coverage and verified legislation taking activeness to further protect that degree of coverage in states.

In June, the ADA subscribed onto an amicus (booster of the court) brief defensive the ACA against a case challenging the constitutionally of the law of nature. The lawsuit, which was filed in February, was led away the Lawyer Widespread of Texas and included twenty states challenging the constitutionally of the ACA. The lawsuit argues that because of the repeal of the ACA's individual mandate task penalty, the entire law is no more valid. In 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the ACA expression that the law was valid because Congress has the authority under the Constitution to impose taxes.

The ADA joined with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Net, the American Substance Association, the American Lung Association and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in filing the brief. Patc the brief does not make the ADA a legal company in the case, it does make for to the court's attention the ADA's significant matter to in protecting the ACA for people with diabetes. The ADA provided research used in the brief on how people with diabetes would be impacted if the ACA, including the law's important consumer protections, would embody subordinate unconstitutional.

In September, the U.S. Territorial dominion Court in Texas heard oral arguments on the lawsuit. During the hearing, the short we filed was discussed by the defendants (supporters of the ACA). The defendants talked about how people with diabetes, genus Cancer and new diseases would personify pain if the ACA was overturned. The next step is for the judge to issue a determination in the display case. As of this piece of writing, the judge has yet to issue a decisiveness, but it is expected to live issued very soon. Whatever decision is made, IT will likely be appealed, and the shell will continue to act on through the courtyard arrangement possibly ending in the Ultimate Court.

Promise to Congress 2018:

More than 150 diabetes advocates, researchers and professional football players from crossways the country convened on Capitol Hill for the ADA's annual Call to Relation Advocacy Day on Process 22. The grouping held more than 170 meetings with Congressional offices to pep u policymakers to make diabetes a national priority. Diabetes Advocates asked Congress to gain federal official funding for diabetes research and programs, make insulin affordable, and protect access to tolerable and affordable health insurance for people with and at risk for diabetes. Adenosine deaminase's Chief Scientific, Aesculapian and Missionary station Officer William T. Cefalu, MD, conferred the key findings of the Economic Costs of Diabetes in the U.S. report at a news conference. Dr. Cefalu was joined by the Colorado-chairs of the US Senate Diabetes Caucus, Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), who spoke about their efforts to support multitude with diabetes and their continued loyalty to ensuring federal funding for diabetes research and programs.

79th Scientific Sessions:

The ADA's annual Scientific Sessions continuing to join the world's best and brightest scientific minds to share cutting-edge research on nearly every aspect of diabetes. Hosted in Orlando this year, the five-Day meeting drew more than 14,000 researchers, physicians, health care professionals, advocates, and media to discuss the latest and just about important explore findings and continues to be among the top diabetes meetings comprehensive. Highlights from the 2018 Knowledge base Sessions posterior be found here. The 2019 Scientific Sessions wish comprise held June 7-11 in San Francisco!

Insulin Affordability:

In November, the Adenosine deaminase celebrated the second day of remembrance of the Make Insulin Inexpensive initiative. To appointment, Sir Thomas More than 415,000 Diabetes Advocates have united the call up for affordable insulin for all who need it—the largest reception to an ADA call to litigate to date stamp. Diabetes advocates called for Congressional hearings to investigate the reasons for the dramatic increases in insulin costs. The U.S. Senate Exceptional Committee on Aging answered with a hearing in May of this year. Chief Scientific, Aesculapian and Military mission Police officer William T. Cefalu, MD, testified about the impact of the high-level cost of insulin on people with diabetes. In addition, after its examination of the insulin supply chain, the ADA's Insulin Entree and Affordability Working Group (Working Group) published recommendations and the ADA outlined public policy solutions to name and address the problem. The Adenosine deaminase will continue to work with various stakeholders including insurance policy leaders to develop and implement viable, long-term solutions to ensure access to inexpensive insulin for all World Health Organization need it.

Commercial Drivers Advocacy Victory:

The ADA historied a historic victory when the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Refuge Administration (FMCSA) free its new rule permitting individuals with insulin-treated diabetes to follow certified to go commercial causative vehicles in interstate commerce. The final rule is the apogee of more two decades of advocacy aside the ADA and will allow individuals along a stabile insulin regimen to operate commercial vehicles without needing to obtain an exemption.

Hurricane Relief for People with Diabetes:

The 2017 efforts of the Diabetes Emergency Relief Coalition (DERC), convened and led past the ADA, werr recognized with the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)'s 2018 Summit Superpowe of A Award for the aggroup's hurricane relief efforts in providing more than 4,600 pounds of diabetes supplies to individuals left hand without access to water and electrical energy in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. The Coalition was launched by the ADA, JDRF and Insulin for Life USA in 2017, and members let in the Endocrine Society, American Association of Objective Endocrinologists (AACE), American Tie-u of Diabetes Educators (AADE), Research!America and T1D Switch.

In 2018, the DERC, renamed the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition (DDRC), was co-light-emitting diode by the ADA and Insulin for Life sentence USA, and continued to provide support to those affected by hurricanes and other cancel disasters including wildfires and overflowing. Efforts enclosed printable documents including how to build a diabetes emergency plan and kit; how to safely store insulin in the event of an exigency; how to safely switch from one insulin to another if your usual insulin is unavailable; and providing resources and support through the ADA Call Center at 1-800-DIABETES. And, significantly, Insulin for Life USA continues to collect unexpired and sealed diabetes supplies for certification and redistribution to those in need.

Updated Standards of Care:

The 2018 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes continued to assis as a living papers end-to-end 2018. Resilient updates included the revised definition of hypoglycaemia, which categorizes it into three levels, and the updated FDA recommendations for SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists to reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

For the 2019 Standards of Care, publishing December 17, 2018, the near notable updates let in the patient decision nerve pathway, an encompassing chapter happening cardiovascular disease risk, which is endorsed by the Ground College of Cardiology first, and the circumstance of treatment costs for patients. Most importantly, the Adenosine deaminase recommends that providers develop a diabetes care architectural plan through with a shared patient-supplier decision cycle that considers all enduring factors including cost.

Diabetes Nutrient Hub:

The ADA released the Diabetes Solid food Hub, a new digital recipe weapons platform for people with diabetes. The website features hundreds of healthy, ADA-approved recipes with easy-to-read nutrition guidance, tips for healthy feeding and repast prep inspiration. Recipes arse be searched by cuisine types so much as consolation solid food, Mediterranean, Southwest, and more, atomic number 3 well as filtered by preferences such as low-carb, low-sodium, vegetarian, budget-friendly, or gluten-free. By creating a free profile, users can besides enjoy a personalised undergo, as the site learns likes and dislikes over time and offers suggestions based on past user preferences. Users can drag-and-send packing recipes into a weekly Meal Planner, which automatically calculates nutrition entropy, and creates an editable shopping list.

Know Diabetes by memory:

In 2018, the ADA launched a landmark initiative in partnership with the American Heart Association—Get it on Diabetes by memory. The multi-year initiative is centralised on raising long-suffering and supplier consciousness about the significantly increased danger of vas disease for masses with diabetes, and attractive and empowering them to take the appropriate actions to reduce this risk. Cardiovascular disease is the leading make of demise and disability among people living with diabetes, and this nationwide initiative will choose aim at improving outcomes and select of care.


The ADA will push to ensure children with diabetes give notice access school and childcare programs safely by continuing to pursue litigation against the New York City public school system and the U.S. Army Child, Youth &adenosine monophosphate; School Services.

We will keep to work at the state and federal levels to ensure multitude with and at risk for diabetes own cheap memory access to healthcare coverage.

We testament advocate for unexclusive policies that will bend the curve and help oneself keep type 2 diabetes in high-risk populations.

We volition work to promote wellness fairness and eliminate wellness disparities.

2019 promises to be another leading year for the ADA! The Adenosine deaminase is poised and ready to continue to improve health outcomes and quality and length of life for the millions of Americans keep with diabetes.

For AADE, 2018 has been a year that has seen change manifest itself in a variety of new resources, legislative bills, initiatives and partnerships that are truly re-writing how and where we engage in diabetes care. Here are our 2018 highlights and where we are headed in 2019:


An assessment of AADE members found that patc diabetes educators had a need for the latest information on diabetes devices, technology, mobile apps and more, thither was no central place for them to access this information and training. Enter Danu. Diabetes Advanced Network Access, or DANA, was launched in 2018 to fill this gap and provide healthcare professionals with a robust, sure resource connected the devices, expertness and innovations shaping diabetes caution. The Helmsley Charitable Trust recognized this value and awarded AADE a $2.2 million grant to enhance and flourish DANA over the next three years. Learn more some Dana at DANAtech.org.


AADE, some as an organization and through its partnerships and coalitions, has worked with localised, state, and federal policymakers to ensure the interests of people with diabetes and diabetes educators are pictured. AADE's advocacy priorities have enclosed supporting policies that ensure protections for hoi polloi with pre-existing conditions and advocating for improved transparency in medicinal dru pricing. New two federal bills were passed removing pharmacy "gag clauses" that prohibit pharmacists from informing customers that their medicine may represent cheaper if they pay cash kinda than using their health insurance.

AADE has also worked to address non-medical switching and step therapy along the state and Union level so people with diabetes can stay on their prescribed medications. AADE recently wrote to Medicare to express concerns with a reversal that would allow Medicare Advantage plans to use step therapy to control condition costs. Plans are already underway at AADE to develop a toolkit and unusual resources that diabetes educators can use to educate and empower people with diabetes to stick around on their decreed medications when faced with non-medical switching. Count for more updates in early 2019 at DiabetesEducator.org/advocacy.

Access to both medications and DSMES services has been an important advocacy initiative. In 2018, AADE worked with the Diabetes Advocacy Confederation (DAA) to draft, enter, and get on the Expanding Admittance to Diabetes Self-Direction Training (DSMT) Act (H.R. 5768, S. 3366), with plans to reintroduce the bill in 2019. This important piece of legislation will help remove barriers to diabetes education for Medicare beneficiaries, such as eliminating cost requirements.

And in late October, AADE was pleased to announce that Jasmine Gonzalvo, PharmD, BCPS, Before Christ-ADM, CDE, LDE, FAADE had received an appointment to assis on the U.S. Section of Wellness and Human Services' National Clinical Care Commission. We hope that Jasmine can serve as vocalize for people with diabetes and diabetes educators in home policy discussions.

AADE has been and will continue to live very involved in the newly formed Diabetes Disaster Reply Coalition to support people with diabetes in disasters. During the 2018 hurricane season, AADE coordinated with volunteers to get important information to those in affected areas.

New Models of Care

In 2018, AADE completed year one of our 5-year conjunct correspondence with the Centers for Disease Control and Bar to engage communities with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes merely limited access to programs that prevent or holdup T2D. AADE has listed 480 participants to date, who take up lost a combined 2,102 lbs! We be after to inscribe 5,000 individuals concluded five years, with a special focus along Latinos, African Americans, Medicare beneficiaries, and hoi polloi living in rural, underserved counties. Learn more at DiabetesEducator.org/prevention.

AADE also hosted a population health summit at AADE18 to conduct a talks around the circulating and future roles of diabetes educators and identify areas of collaboration and mutual support. Look for new initiatives in 2019 around this full region of health care.

Match Keep going

Report after study has shown the positive wallop of peer support (both online and in person) along people with diabetes. Yet, corresponding diabetes education services, it is ofttimes underutilized by the bigger population deliberate by diabetes. In 2018, AADE ramped up work with match support communities to build relationships and raise awareness of this vital tool. Spic-and-span resources include a equal digest hub at DiabetesEducator.org/peersupport and a handout for healthcare professionals and their patients. Stay keyed in 2019 for more on this growing initiative.

New Practice Counsel

AADE provided steering to help diabetes educators prizewinning serve individuals smitten by a variety of diabetes-related issues. These included new resources around mental health, obesity, CGM, gestational diabetes, continuous hypodermic insulin infusion, vaccinations and the use of glucose meters in type 2 diabetes management. In 2019, AADE plans to release additional guidance on issues impacting the diabetes attention infinite such as population health, cultural competency and health literacy, peer support and more.

Fres Visual sense for the Peculiarity

AADE has begun a multi-twelvemonth initiative to optimize outcomes for people with diabetes and position diabetes educators for success within a value-based healthcare environment. This parvenu vision for the specialization of diabetes teaching will elevate and highlight the role they play as integrators for clinical management, education, prevention and support. Over the last class, AADE engaged members, providers, enduring advocates, healthcare organizations and early key stakeholders to understand where the specialty currently sits and where information technology needs to personify headed in order to best serve people with diabetes. Abide tuned in 2019 for additional updates connected a vision for the specialty of diabetes Department of Education.


Collaboration is the 2018 articulate of the year at Beyond Typecast 1. We've added an exciting range of new programs to the Beyond Type 1 comprehensive by partnering with existing organizations or individuals with important ideas and proud dreams. Our goal is to fill the gaps between diagnosis and cure away uniting the global diabetes residential area and offering programs that make life better for anyone impacted by T1D.

In 2018, Beyond Type 1:

  • Added 5 new programs to the On the far side Typewrite 1 network: Type Extraordinary Run, SafeSittings, Jesse Was Here, Diabetes Scholars, and Slipstream Weekends. From each one of these programs is built on the early work of superstar organizations and individuals – Beyond Type 1 is excited to grow over their reach and impact for the benefit of the diabetes community.

  • Tally provocative milestones for ongoing programs. Kraut the Bear is oriented to multiple clinics as part of a pilot to get through freshly diagnosed families done our Give-A-Bear program.

  • The DKA Awareness Campaign is expanding thanks to a grant of $300,000 from the The Leona M. and Harry B Helmsley Public trust. The 2018 Beyond Type Run team — 20 adults with Type 1 diabetes — took on the New York Marathon. Bike On the far side The Documentary has been featured at terminated 100 community screenings in 10 countries around the domain.

  • Created new campaigns addressing issues core to the diabetes community. In May, Beyond Type 1 published Previously Healthy. This longform journalistic history takes a close look at Reegan Oxendine's tragic death, raising awareness for Type 1 diabetes and for DKA. This Fall, we hosted Diabetics on the Allowance in partnership with Ariel Thomas Edward Lawrence. This outcome and panel discussion was a first whole tone in conversations about diversity in the online diabetes landscape. In 2018 Beyond Type 1 also partnered with Dexcom to lead community-supported survey research about consciousness and access to CGM, and the results were publicized this November as part of a broader Diabetes Awareness Calendar month partnership with Dexcom. For Ma Diabetes Day we celebrated Banteng's Natal day with a appendage birthday card for Frederick Banting — 2018's celebration featured almost 50 partners and a Guinness World Record attempt!

  • Made significant additions to our leaders, including the launch of the new Family Council. We've also added members to the Directorate, Leadership Council, Knowledge domain Informative Council, and Global Embassador Councils.

  • Reached outside of the diabetes network to set up awareness and finances through important partnerships with circular brands like Panera Bread and Speedwell Beard.

  • Served A members and thought partners on the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition (DDRC), the Diabetes Patient Advocacy Concretion (DPAC), the Diabetes Policy Cooperative (DPC), and Project ECHO with Stanford University.

  • Continuing building community through publication of personal stories, resources, and breaking tidings on On the far side Type 1 and Beyond Type 1 nut Español. We bucked up conversation and connection in the Beyond Typecast 1 app as well was TuDiabetes.org and EsTuDiabetes.org. We continued sharing the ways individuals #livebeyond Type 1 diabetes done our social media campaign. We are now serving over 1 million people each calendar month across our web platforms.


In 2019, Beyond Type 1 is primarily focused on expanding existing programs and campaigns. The DKA Campaign will be entry phase two thanks to musical accompaniment from the Helmsley Faith. We're also planning four Slipstream weekends for adults with Typecast 1 diabetes with our friends at Connected In Apparent movement.

Our Beyond Type Run NYC Marathon Team will record its third class. In price of new work, we're working to on expatiate our presence internationally with resources taxon to not-US countries and not-English speakers. Beyond Type 1 is excited to collaborate with new and existing partners in the new year, and of course of instruction we'll possess a number of exciting surprise announcements as Beyond Typecast 1 continues to grow and expand.


2018 was some other year of amazing maturation for CDN. We've added inexperienced staff members, launched an updated website and released new resources for young adults with diabetes and their families. Translate on to learn about our year and what we take planned for 2019!

  • Updated Off to College Booklets – Since 2016, we have distributed over 100,000 printed Soured to College booklets! We are happy that so many families have benefited from these booklets in the cobbler's last two years. This class, we decided to update the Off to College booklets based on feedback from parents and students. These inexperient booklets, which were free in Adjoin, have info on T1D accommodations during standardized testing, managing health professional/student communications away from home, and more. Order your printed OR digital copies here!
  • Conferences – As part of our Close Gen leaders syllabu, we brought 19 students to diabetes conferences all ended the country, including ADA, CWD, and AADE. These students were competent to learn the fashionable in diabetes care and research, forgather mentors in the subject field, and research future career opportunities. We too sent staff to 8 diabetes and campus allied conferences. These conferences allow us to here about our programs and research, while informing clinicians, campus administrators, and families about our resources spell we network with other juvenility and diabetes nonprofits and organizations.
  • Off to Work In Whitethorn, we free our newest resource for Whitney Moore Young Jr. adults with T1D, our Off to Bring on guide. This guide covers everything you need to bon about work billet rights and accommodations, "adulting", and thriving with T1D. Whether you are going from luxuriously school to the workplace, starting an internship, or passing off to your introductory speculate spot-college, this guide has you drenched. Request your whole number copy here.
  • CDN Annual Retreat – In Crataegus laevigata, we brought 25 of our student leaders to the 5th annual crawfish out in Bridgton, Maine. Students tired a week encyclopaedism about leadership, talk through challenges, and bonding. This year we added an Innovation Fair where our students were able to meet with representatives from companies across the diabetes sector. They well-read about the newest innovations that will impact their lives and were fit to give feedback happening products and ideas. You can watch our video and see what the Innovation Fair was all about!
  • Website Refresh – In November, we launched our updated website! This update includes new seafaring which makes IT easy to find what you motive, when you need it. Take a look here!
  • College Diabetes Week 2018 – We just wrapped up our 5th annual College Diabetes Week! We had lots of participation from Chapters, students, and alumni. We had themes for for each one mean solar day, from how to oversee "adulating" and T1D to leadership. Check KO'd our Facebook album here to see what our members had to read about living with T1D as a young adult.
  • 2018-2020 Strategical Plan – In early 2018, we released our strategic plan. Our Chief operating officer and founder, Christina Roth, wrote about this for our blog. As you can see from the above, we are busy working to fit our goals by our 10 yr anniversary in 2020!


  • College Campuses – Away the end of 2019, our goal is to have served 1,000 campuses across the country! Are you happening a campus and want to be involved? Let us know! We leave besides be launching our campus toolkit materials comprehensive in 2019. We completed our pilot light run of the materials in 2018 and are busy updating calm supported feedback from our Campus Advisory Committee. These toolkits volition be for campus administrators, much every bit impairment services, health centers, and counsel offices and admit the information they need to know to best support T1D students on their campuses. Sign here for our newssheet to be the first to know when these launch.
  • Clinics – To advisable support our clinicians and clinic partners, we will be launching CDN resource bundles. These bundles will allow clinicians to easily ordination every of our CDN resources in one click, including Off to College Booklets, You've Got This (a guide for T1D diagnosis as a young adult), and the Off to Work Guide. These bundles wish ensure that medical professionals have the resources they need available to help their patients.
  • Conferences – We will be attending seven diabetes and campus conferences in 2019. We will equal brining approximately 19 students over again to network, learn, and grow. Watch out for applications to attend a group discussion with us in late January.
  • Chapters – We counter reaching 150 officially affiliated CDN Chapters by 2019, with a presence in almost every state. Our Chapters remain a vital part of CDN – a way for Whitney Young adults to connect with one another, share challenges and solutions, and fles community. Want to get a Chapter started on you campus? Start present.
  • Leadership Summit and Regional Retreats As CDN has grown, so has our need for providing leadership opportunities for more Chapter leaders and members. We leave be pilotage regional retreats, allowing Chapter leaders to better network, share ideas, enthralled, and derive new skills. We wish also constitute hosting a leadership tip in Boston in April.
  • College Diabetes Workweek 2019 – We are already thinking of themes and plans for the 6th College Diabetes Week. Keep an eye out for more information in primeval flop 2019.


  • DPAC hosted its first Insurance Training Meeting, bringing 28 passionate advocates from across the res publica to D.C. for intense educational sessions on policy. These individuals met with over 30 Congressional offices to talk over affordable access to insulin and interrogatory for cosponsors for the Diabetes Someone-Management Grooming bill. The Ductless gland Society joined US for these meetings and we together presented at a standing-room solitary Congressional Staff briefing. These DPAC advocates are part of our new program: DPAC Champions, and will help counselor for our community on federal and say issues.
  • DPAC entered into a memo of intellect with two large organizations: Lions Clubs International and the Connection of Nigrify Cardiologists, providing opportunities to elevate diabetes insurance policy issues within both organizations.
  • Our DPAC Patient Consultatory Board was formed and presently gather to provide a big-chested representation of different voices in our community. They give notice and provide insight on particular issues, playacting as DPAC spokespeople at state and federal official levels.
  • DPAC hosted the second annual CAPS (Community of interests Protagonism Policy Summit), bringing together complete national diabetes nonprofits and industry for crucial conversations about challenges and opportunities to collaborate. From this coming together, a nonprofit working party for two projects was formed.
  • DPAC's CEO had an op-ed in The Hill regarding copay accumulator register accommodation programs, delivery to light the damaging practice by insurance companies to prevent maker payments from copay cards being applied to deductibles.
  • After advocating since DPAC's inception to alter the Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) for diabetes testing supplies through its National Mail Order Program, the profession received a huge win when the voice communication from H.R. 3271 (Protecting Access to Diabetes Ply Bi of 2017) was coiled up into the Bipartisan Budget Work of 2018 in January. Presently, the CBP has been suspended, which prevents the provisions in the law to be enacted, but we expect the next round of CBP to get soon.
  • DPAC launched a grassroots movement to help ensure those on Medicare would glucinium reimbursed for their CGM system if they viewed or shared their data on a fresh device. DPAC's CEO depicted the forbearing vocalisation at a multi stakeholder meeting with CMS's Principal Deputy Decision maker of CMS, Demetrios L. Kouzoukas regarding this issue, with a new ruling allowing smart device viewing less than a week later.
  • We continued to be role of a coalition to provide CGM access for California Medi-CAL beneficiaries. Resolute away last year's veto away Governor Brunet, this year's effort was through a line item in the State Department budget. Unfortunately, the department chose to remove the token. We will remain with fusion lic in Golden State and discuss the importance of access with the new state organization.
  • DPAC provided policy advocacy sessions at CWD's FFL in Anaheim, Orlando, and Falls Church; The College Diabetes Network (CDN) Annual Student Retreat in Maine; AADE's Policy Meeting place in Chicago; AADE's yearbook group discussion in Baltimore and the Advamed Diabetes Legislative Display case in D.C. Topics varied from CBP and cheap access to insulin to overviews of the current diabetes policy landscape and ways to advocate.
  • DPAC is part of the Solid ground Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)-led IDEA Project, which will hopefully elevate CGM usage and understanding to a broad portion of the diabetes universe. We also participated in the American Diabetes Connexion's Remedy Inertia Summit and will carry on to provide the patient voice connected this multi-year effort.
  • The issue of CMS's meanwhile on approving reimbursement for diabetes applied science has created a impermanent group from both industry and nonprofits, including JDRF, ADA, and DPAC, to help guide CMS through the next generation of get at to the technology needed by the Medicare population.
  • We have provided testimonial and written statements happening several state issues related to transparency, restrictive Medicaid formularies, not-medical exam switching, and cheap access to insulin.
  • DPAC worked with the Legislative Diabetes Caucus on their white paper for Insulin Affordability and helped distribute the findings to the community of interests. We continue to work closely with the Caucus staff to provide the trusted patient spokesperson in determination a result.


DPAC will continue to follow a sure patient voice on Capitol Hill, workings with Sexual congress and the Congressional Diabetes Caucus connected DSMT for Medicare and the Diabetes Visual sensation Red ink and Blindness Prevention Act in the 116th Congress. As legislative solutions begin to be presented into Copulation and state legislatures regarding affordable access to insulin, we leave create campaigns to bolster multi-stakeholder efforts to find oneself relief and ensure none united lacks insulin in the United States of America. Our efforts in state legislatures for a multitude of important issues will continue through community-involuntary grassroots opportunities.

We will keep going to offer up the DPAC Policy Education Meetings in D.C. and will invite early organizations to junction United States for Congressional Briefings and meetings on Capitol HIll. The DPAC Champions program will help those interested in raising their voice on issues relating to safety, quality, and access volition receive extra training and opportunities.

As we conceive that quislingism across diabetes nonprofits is key to ensuring our community has inexpensive access to condom devices, medications, and services, we will continue our Community Advocacy Policy Summit and provide opportunities to work in concert on projects, common lobbying, and direct lobbying.


As the leading international organization funding T1D research, JDRF's mission is to improve lives today and tomorrow aside accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and kickshaw T1D and its complications. As we relentlessly work toward a cure, JDRF supported more than 70 human objective trials and 500 active enquiry grants in 2018. Choice highlights include:

  • In partnership with the Madonn Tyler Moore and Robert S. Levine Charitable Foundation, the "Restoring Vision: A JDRF Moonshot Inaugural" launch brought together global experts in diabetes-related eye diseases and related disciplines, including engineers, cell biologists and technology experts, to develop a research be after to invert low vision in people with T1D.
  • With The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, JDRF renewed $15 million in funding for the Net for Pancreatic Pipe organ donors with Diabetes (nPOD) to continue transformative research into how and wherefore T1D develops. nPOD is the world's largest biobank of pancreatic tissue, supporting more than than 300 investigators in 20 countries and processing 50,000 tissue samples for analysis.
  • JDRF-funded researchers at the University of Camellia State at Birmingham published a canvass in Nature Medicine, which found that verapamil, a common pedigree pressure medication, promotes insulin production in adults with late-onset T1D by preserving beta cell function when added to a canonical insulin regimen. These findings mark the first effective, non-immunosuppressive sanative attack to help aim expiration of Beta cell function in T1D.
  • Until now, JDRF has not been able to analyze clinical studies of T1D in a way that tells us why some children World Health Organization are at risk of infection acquire T1D and others do not. We are excited to be collaborating with IBM to develop and implement world-grade computer science world power to analyze years of global T1D research data and identify factors superior to the onset of T1D in children. By developing a better understanding of risk factors and causes of T1D, we hope to eventually find a way to prevent the disease solely.
  • JDRF is committed to advancing artificial pancreas engineering science, which is why we undertook the Nonunion Protocol initiative, whereby an insulin pump, a CGM and an algorithmic program "talk" to from each one other, regardless of whether they have the same manufacturer. In December 2018, on with the Helmsley Charitable Trust, JDRF announced a collaborative grant agreement to allow Tidepool with a $6 million funding committal to begin developing Tidepool Loop, a hybrid closed-loop system automatic insulin speech app, for the iOS App Store Eastern Samoa an FDA-regulated mobile application. This project leave demonstrate the power and value of an interoperable ecosystem of diabetes devices, giving more options for better curb with less burden.

JDRF had a significant presence at major conferences in the T1D space, including:

  • American Diabetes Association Scientific Roger Huntington Sessions: Researchers presented 60 JDRF-funded studies, encompassing clinical trials and research studies that are paving the way to novel and emerging treatments for T1D.
  • European Association for the Study of Diabetes One-year Group meeting: Researchers presented 45 JDRF-funded studies, sharing updates on shuttered-loop AP systems, prevention trials, new concepts in of import cell regeneration and the connection between T1D and kidney disease.
  • Immunology of Diabetes Society Congress: Researchers presented 50 JDRF-funded studies, including progress from The Situation Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) written report, T1D TrialNet clinical trials and INNODIA global partnership.

Driving Progress Crosswise the Pipeline

  • This year, on that point was an important tread forwards for a new drug to improve glucose control in adults with T1D, named Zynquista™ (sotagliflozin). JDRF was same of the first to support a clinical trial to see if the drug worked in T1D. In this and later clinical trials, sotagliflozin showed a significant reducing in HbA1c, and also developed other key health measures. If approved by the FDA, it will constitute the first example of an buccal drug approved for T1D, prior to quest approval for typewrite 2 diabetes.
  • JDRF has made Beta cell replacement a priority, and is funding duple scientific approaches. This twelvemonth, a pharma attached to moving i of these approaches forward. Eli Lilly will collaborate with Sigilon Therapeutics to develop encapsulated cell therapies for T1D, using technology that began with JDRF funding. Encapsulation technologies can "carapace" beta cells so that they are sheltered from immune fire. At JDRF, we have been funding encapsulation research for Sir Thomas More than 10 years, and among the first efforts were several grants to Daniel Anderson, Ph.D., and Robert Langer, Sc.D. Their research eventually led to the discovery of an encapsulation platform that led them to found Sigilon Therapeutics. The Lilly-Sigilon partnership is an extraordinary step up for the entire T1D community.

Investing in Innovation

  • After an 18-calendar month cause from JDRF and supporters crossways the land, US Congress approved legislation in February for a deuce-yr extension of the Special Diabetes Computer programme (SDP), providing $300 one thousand thousand for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research through the National Institutes of Health. As a result, SDP-funded researchers around the country were able to go forward large clinical trials without interruption, and new research was launched.
  • During the year, JDRF advocates as wel urged their Members of Congress to provide strong period funding for the Political entity Institutes of Health to complement the SDP funding. Ultimately, Congress provided significant increases for Fiscal Years 18 and 19, which will continue to benefit T1D research as advantageously as many separate fields of research.
  • In March, 180 JDRF advocates from all 50 states traveled to the U.S. Capitol for Politics 24-hour interval to thank Congress for renewing SDP. Many a of those WHO came to Washington, D.C., participated in SDP-funded clinical trials around the country, including studies that screen for autoantibodies that are markers of T1D.
  • In May, JDRF declared information technology was partnering with the National Institutes of Health as part of the All of U.S. Research Program to gather health information from more than a million Americans to accelerate precision medicine explore and medical breakthroughs. The information gathered may be used in grave T1D research that supports JDRF's mission.

Ensuring Regulative Frameworks that Promote Innovation

In 2018, years of extensive advocacy work by JDRF volunteers, faculty, partners and others in the T1D residential district resulted in several significant regulatory accomplishments:

  • The FDA announced its clearance of the Dexcom G6, which is the first unceasing glucose supervise (CGM) to be interoperable, meaningful information technology tooshie be used with different insulin pumps and celluloid pancreas (AP) algorithms. This was peculiarly important for JDRF's Open Protocol initiative, which aims to have insulin pumps and CGMs "peach" to each other, unheeding of whether they hold the Same manufacturer.
  • Swollen commendation of the MiniMed 670G hybrid closed-whorled system in children between the ages 7 and 13, offering new access to younger children for the first-year meter. JDRF was pivotal in galvanizing the AP field, working closely with numerous partners, researchers and companies to move the technology bold.
  • The Eversense CGM system for utilize in people 18 and older became the showtime FDA-sanctioned CGM system to let in a fully implantable sensor to observe glucose, providing multiple choices for people with T1D for which JDRF has long advocated. JDRF provided funding in the system's early development stage.
  • Another approval success was theTandem Diabetes Care®, Inc. t:slim X2™ Insulin Pump with Basal-IQ™ technology, a predictive low glucose suspend feature fashioned to reduce the frequency and duration of hypoglycaemia. This is the first automated insulin bringing system approved for use by children equally young as 6 long time old, and the first insulin pump designated As congenial with united CGM devices.
  • Approval for Insulet's DASH Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) handheld, Bluetooth-enabled tubeless fuel pod and mated user/caregiver mobile apps. Those who use Omnipod's PDM wish now be able to control the insulin ticker with functions that include taking a mealtime bolus and scheduling basal rates from the touchscreen gimmick.
  • As part of its Open Protocol go-ahead, JDRF continues to ferment with the FDA to further ground regulatory and legal frameworks to enable interoperable automated insulin delivery systems. In April, JDRF and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trustingness hosted a public workshop which brought numerous stakeholders put together to accost challenges and project next steps.

Promoting Access to T1D Therapies & Technologies

  • JDRF continues to be deeply involved in advocacy to government, industry, insurers and employers to turn down out-of-pocket insulin costs through its Coverage2Control campaign. Additionally to goad manufacturers to act more to insure affordable insulin, in Nov, JDRF like a shot contacted 23 of the nation's 25 largest health insurance plans to encourage them run along savings from drug rebates through with to consumers at the point of sale when they purchase insulin, as Aetna and UnitedHealthcare already do.
  • Through Coverage2Control, JDRF engaged the T1D community to contain action by writing their health insurance provider, urging them to top do drugs savings they welcome on to their members to help make insulin more inexpensive. JDRF also launched a survey as part of its efforts to connect with large employers to talk about how they can render coverage that works for employees with T1D and their families.
  • Additive work to address access to affordable insulin included vocation upon federal officials to involve action, submitting dress comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in Jan to encourage them to pass rebates conventional by Medicare drug plans at the point of sale. In April, JDRF met with the U.S. HHS (HHS) Surrogate Secretary Eric Hargan to discuss how the government can address the cost of prescription medicine drugs. In May, JDRF advocates met with Deputy Escritoire Hargan and President Trump at the Diluted House, where they discussed the President's indemnity pricing blueprint. In July, JDRF volunteers stormed Capitol J. J. Hill and urged members of Intercourse to make water reducing out-of-pocket insulin costs a anteriority, and JDRF followed up with HHS, asking to pass rebates happening to consumers. JDRF also expressed concerns that moving insulin from Part B to Part D of Medicare would bring up insulin costs for beneficiaries, and provided transcribed comments to the Administration's pattern to lower drug prices.
  • Later across-the-board advocacy by manufacturers and the diabetes community, including JDRF, CMS updated its coverage policy to reimburse CGM platforms that enable Medicare beneficiaries with T1D to share data direct a fashionable device. This interchange supports the apply of CGMs in conjunction with a smart device, including the important data sharing part they ply for patients and their families, a keystone safety feature.
  • JDRF continues to advocate for Medicare coverage for AP systems, and worked with more than 240 U.S. Senators and Representatives to sign onto letters to the CMS Decision maker on this topic, led by the U.S. Senate Diabetes Caucus and the Legislature Diabetes Caucus.


Immune Therapies

  • JDRF volition repose on successes in unusual response diseases and the exciting insights coming from cancer immunotherapies to get along novel, disease-modifying approaches for T1D.
  • JDRF will continue to variant collaborations with other reaction groups and cancer immunotherapy groups to gain insights into the mechanisms, susceptibleness factors and triggers driving the evolution of autoimmunity and in the end accelerating the testing and approval of immune therapies for T1D.
  • JDRF will leverage new mechanisms identified for protection of genus Beta cell function too as emerging pathways for regeneration of refreshing beta cells.

Cubicle Replacement

  • JDRF will continue to build happening success in islet transplantation to locomotive engineer replenishable insulin producing cells from humans and opposite sources without the need for chronic broad-based immunosuppression.
  • JDRF will leverage evolving tools in gene redaction and gene therapy for rising development of 'designer' beta cells for replacement therapy.

Conventionalized Pancreas

  • JDRF will stay iterative improvements in AP components and automated systems with redoubled functionality and reduced individual weight down.
  • JDRF will support the development, regulative and liability framework, and business organization theoretical account for artless access integrated devices and algorithms, providing choices and meliorate outcomes for mass with T1D.

Organic process Therapies

  • JDRF will support the development and safe and potent consumption of non-insulin adjunctive treatments for improved glucose control and overall metabolous balance, without increasing individual burden. This includes the upcoming FDA decisiveness along the second non-insulin glucose letting down therapy for T1D.
  • JDRF will also support the development of next generation 'designer' insulins with targeted profiles so much as glucose-responsiveness or liver-specific.

Advocacy: The tenets of JDRF's Protagonism Agenda will continue to assis as a foundation for JDRF's evolving advocacy efforts in 2019.

  • The Especial Diabetes Plan has led to technological breakthroughs, new therapies, innovation on the following-generation of technology, and progress toward a cure. JDRF will continue to push for regime commitment to prioritize T1D research, concentrating on its long-term renewal, which expires Sept. 30, 2019. That includes encounter with members of Coitus, including those fresh elected, to build strong bipartisan support. We will counsellor in person this spring at Government Clarence Day, when JDRF advocates will travel to Capital of the United States, D.C., to hold 500-plus meetings with members of Congress. Then in July, more than than 160 children absolute with T1D will take in the nation's capital for JDRF's Children's Congress, where they will ploughshare personal stories with representatives from the U.S. Domiciliate and Senate.
  • JDRF will continue to demand increased access and adoption of T1D therapies, which includes making insulin more affordable. Finally, we believe the use of rebates should be eliminated from the drug distribution and coverage system. JDRF's Coverage2Control campaign will continue to force insurers and employers to share rebates, include insulin as a preventative medicine, be active insulin to tier 1 or level 2 benefit levels, and provide cost-communion as fixed one dollar bill "co-payments." JDRF will as wel advocate for coverage of current AP systems also as future systems by private plans Eastern Samoa well as Medicare.
  • JDRF will also support improved prospects for regulatory approval of T1D therapies, including achieving new restrictive milestones. We will work to create frameworks that accelerate approval of T1D therapies, such as utilizing outcomes beyond HbA1C in restrictive conclusion-qualification and attractive steps towards reservation of biomarkers to assistant speed explore and growing of T1D prevention therapies.
  • JDRF advocates powerfully for preserving protections for people with pre-existing health conditions, and in 2019, will oppose legislation that undermines access to comprehensive health insurance at rates similar to counterparts without pre-existing conditions.

It has been another hugely sexy year for T1International.


  • Early in 2018, advocates held meetings in New House of York and Cincinnati to kick back of state-level advocacy for transparency lower insulin prices.
  • The Cincinnati confluence resulted in the formation of the incredible KOI#insulin4all Chapter who have achieved much in a real deficient time, including ensuring that the insulin Mary Leontyne Pric crisis is a best priority for the Kentucky Diabetes Medical Emergency Response Task Force.
  • Later in the year, we saw the establish of Chapters in Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Colorado.
  • We provided one-on-one intensive training sessions to advocates in the USA, Ghana, Germany, Kenya, Bolivia, Uganda, Indonesia, Pakistan, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. All of them are carrying out careful advocacy plans to amend the lives of people with type 1 diabetes in their countries and receiving ongoing guidance and support from T1International.
  • In July, our loss leader Elizabeth Rowley joined the Conference of Diathletes – advocates with type 1 diabetes from 10+ countries – in Jack London to deliver an advocacy seance.
  • In Aug we had our outset full, multi-day advocacy preparation workshop in Capital of Ghana, Ghana. In partnership with the Sonia Nabeta Foundation, we brought twelve advocates from five African countries put together for an intense 2-day education session. Succeeding year, we hope to bring these advocates collectively again to further their plans and enable them to train the next age bracket of Pamojan advocates.
  • Along with other advocates, we diagrammatic #insulin4all at the Affordable Meds Now League, where Elizabeth take Nicole's coercive statement.
  • Our Charity Ambassador Nicole Smith-Holt was a powerhouse counselor-at-law throughout the year, especially in May when T1I supported her to hold a press group discussion outside the Eli Lilly shareowner meeting.
  • T1International held our 2nd one-year Eli Lilly demonstration with partners Populate of Religion for Access to Medicines. There were multiple docudrama shoot crews on land site, as well as many media outlets including TV, Radio, and online press. Mighty imagery from the day was divided up thousands of times and covered by local and nationalistic outlets.
  • We've held other meetings, provided high-level testimonial, created newborn resources, covered issues in radical countries, been featured as Price fighting Heroes, and we are a spouse in the exciting Undefended Project, adding a global access and affordability position to an exploration of DIY technology.


The insulin Price crisis continues to be at the forefront of national and global conversations and we are seeing moves at many levels to lower drug prices. We are conceited that then much of our protagonism is behind this progress.

The T1International Board of Trustees met in November to plan head and work to ensure ever-more pushful outcomes. We have made a commitment to continue our truly circular stress and to keep our laser-focus on our sight and mission. We cause released our next organizational scheme, which we are excited to share, and are excited to be recruiting for a USA Computer programme Manager.

* Thank You to all these orgs for the huge effort they frame in on the component part of patients. Here's to an impactful new year in 2019! *